C.S Lewis, the well known Christian author, and theologian once said, “We read to know we are not alone.” Whether you’ve been in the world of church communications for years, or you are just starting your first job, it’s so important as a church communicator to know that you’re not alone. The job is big, the tasks are many, and the work is hard, but it is such an exciting and purposeful role to play in the life of your church. One of the best ways to gain understanding, expand your perspective, and find encouragement is to read inspirational books for church communicators.
I’ve stood where you are now, and, through my experiences, have compiled a list of books written for you, church communicator. Happy reading!
The Bible
As a church communicator, you can’t afford to not be in the Word of God daily seeking guidance, encouragement, and wisdom. We read in the Bible that Scripture is:
- Alive and active (Hebrews 4:12)
- A lamp to guide us and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105)
- The voice of God that will not return void (Isaiah 55:11)
- Our daily bread (Matthew 4:4)
- God-breathed and profitable for teaching, correcting, and training (2 Timothy 3:16)
- Full of the Spirit and life (John 6:63)
- Truth (John 17:17)
- And more
In your job and in your life, make time to read the word of God, pray for wisdom, and apply the things you are learning. This is going to be far more valuable than any other book, group, or training that you can receive as a church communicator.
You’ve Got This: A Pep Talk for Church Communicators by Kelley Hartnett

Why Church Communicators Should Read It
Sometimes you need a pep talk and this should be your go-to. Hartnett does such a great job and being real, honest, and encouraging all at the same time. As mentioned in the intro, we aren’t supposed to do this job alone. This is the book to read if you are ever starting to feel isolated as a church communicator.
Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

Why Church Communicators Should Read It
This is one of those books that changes the way you view branding as a whole. Upon completion, the world looks a little different and the way you approach building a church brand will change. Storytelling is a theme throughout Scripture, and Miller does a great job of acknowledging and harnessing its power for the sake of your brand.
A Survival Guide for Church Communicators by Justin Dean

Why Church Communicators Should Read It
Unfortunately, many churches don’t even think about PR, much less a PR strategy, until a situation arises and it’s needed. At that point, it’s too late. This book does a great job of helping you stay ahead of the game and ensure that your church is prepared. Not only that, but it does it with a Gospel focus that is encouraging and relevant today.
5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time by Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram

Why Church Communicators Should Read It
While this book reaches beyond just church communicators, it has the power to transform the way that your church staff works, relates, and connects. The world of church communications is fast-paced and busy, and if you don’t take time to slow down and be present, you will be done with this job in a matter of years or even months. This is the book for you and your staff to read if you’re feeling overwhelmed with the tasks that are before you.
Rethink Communication by Phil Bowdle

Why Church Communicators Should Read It
In case you haven’t picked up on this yet, the world of church communications is ever-changing. With new avenues for communications and relevant technologies being created regularly, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and revert to doing what used to work. However, in this book, Bowdle challenges that way of thinking and inspires church communicators to step out of their comfort zones and actually connect with people for the sake of the Gospel.
Samantha Decker has worked as a content marketer and the church communications director for a local church. Samantha brings both experience and a passion to equip the church by providing resources to help them live out their mission for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus. She’s always up for some (good) coffee, travel, and intentional conversation. Samantha enjoys living in Oklahoma City with her husband, Dustin, and their two sons Eli and Caden.